Dr. Andrea Fuhrer is now our College and Career Counselor!
She is now in the College and Career Room located in the back of the media center. Students can stop by after school in the CCR for assistance. Dr. Fuhrer is also available during both lunches in the cafeteria.
- College visits
- College applications
- Scholarship searches
- Career exploration
- Financial Aid
- Military options
- Resume/interview help and more!
Visit the College and Career events page
Dr. Andrea Fuhrer, College and Career Counselor
[email protected]
Navigating the Postsecondary world can be overwhelming for students and parents. We hope that by providing you this information, it will help guide you in the right direction. Each year the State University System of Florida hosts a college workshop for all high school counselors to provide us with the most up to date information on each school. Once we get the information for the 2024-2025 school year, we will post it here.
State of Florida College Information
Use the links below to research colleges in the State of Florida.
Speak with your counselor if you have any questions!
Please use the letter of recommendation request form when needing a letter from a teacher/coach or counselor.
Virtual Admissions Info Sessions
Harvard, Princeton, the University of Virginia, Wellesley, and Yale will be hosting virtual information sessions with their admissions officers this fall. Registration is required: Register for virtual sessions
College Board Resources
The College Board has a variety of resources to help students and parents navigate the college process.
Big Future -this site allows students to search careers, majors, and colleges.
High School Resume - This article talks about what should go into a high school resume and why it is a good idea to have one to send to colleges.
College Advising Guide - This page has lots of good information to help students prepare for college visits, narrowing down your choices, understanding the college application and more!
The College Essay -This is a one page guide to help students write their college essay.
Have you heard about Landscape? Landscape- provides consistent high school and neighborhood information for all applicants to help admissions officers fully consider every student, no matter where they live. For more information you can visit The College Board's Landscape website.
Other useful sites for college planning:
Xello-explore post-secondary options (schools/majors), career search resume builder, national scholarship search and more. This tool can be found right on your Clever dashboard. Look for the black tile that says xello.

Florida Shines State run website where students can explore careers, majors, colleges and more.
Grown and Flown Blog written about High School, College Admissions, College, Parenting tips and more.
O*Net Interest Profiler helps students find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. Helps you explore careers.
College Applications
Students can schedule an appointment to meet with their school counselor to assist them with their applications or with Dr. Andrea Fuhrer in our new College and Career Room. If a college is requesting a letter of recommendation, please speak with your school counselor to notify them one is needed. Allow at least 2 weeks notice for your counselor to be able to write a letter for you.
Common Application System
If your college uses the common application please visit their website to see how to complete the common application. Common Application
Coalition for College Application System
If your college uses the coalition application, please visit their website to learn how to use the system before completing your applications. Coalition for College
Student Athletes
Be sure that if you are interested in playing sports at the college level, that you have completed the NCAA or NAIA applications.
ASVAB Career Exploration
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Career Exploration is a comprehensive career exploration and planning program that includes a multiple aptitude test battery, an interest inventory and various career planning tools designed to help students explore the world of work.
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is intended for use with students in the 11th and 12th grades as well as students in post-secondary schools. The Program provides tools, including the test battery and interest inventory developed by the Department of Defense to help high school and post-secondary students across the nation learn more about career exploration and planning. Results of the aptitude test and the interest inventory enable students to evaluate their skills, estimate performance in academic and vocational endeavors and identify potentially satisfying careers. These results are integrated with work values to help students identify and prioritize possible career choices. Students are encouraged to consider their own work-related values and other important personal preferences as they explore the world of work and learn career exploration skills that will benefit them throughout their work lives. Practice online at asvabpracticetestonline.com , ASVAB Practice , March2Success
We will give the ASVAB fall 2024.
Career Finder
The College Board provides a FREE career exploration tool that helps students make informed academic and career decisions based on what truly drives them. Career Finder
Military Careers
Mapping Your Future